Call of Duty Ghosts

        Well, I did not plan to write about this game, but it is popular so I gave it a try. It is not very original and I like Call of Duty Black Ops II  more. Its multiplayer is the same, ALMOST nothing changed, singleplayer quite boring (it is not something new, just shoot the bad guys), and its zoombie mode  is with alliens and it is like singleplayer (you have to reach the boss which is esier than in Bo2 and after you finished it,  you do not want to play it again,  like the campaign) and the multiplayer modes are a little bit changed. The only asewome mode is ‘infected’, in which you spawn and the game chooses someone that would be the infected one  and he will dissaper from the radar or that thing, you know what I mean. That is for this week.

Day Z standalone

Dayz is one of the coolest survival games of the years 2013-2014. Unfortunately you can play it only on the computer.  I have a ps3 and think how many people would have pre-ordered this game on ps3, xbox 360, ps4 if it only existed.                                                                      Its designer is Dean Hall. I do not even know this guy, sorry bro. Well he and his team have done a pretty good job with this game, but still they could update it to make it better. They could let the player enter and drive cars, that would be a lot of fun.                                           Other than that they almost finished everyting (you can be thirsty which will make you take more damage and you can also be hungry…there are a lot of diferent types of food)                                                                                                                                                               About weapons, well you can find them in big houses or at prisons and military bases which are very dangerous, because a lot of players go there and there are spawned a lot of zoombies and if you survive you can discover that all the weapons are taken.                                                                                                                                                                                                               A good player who is also a big youtuber is frankie, he is more than best at this game and verry verry friendly. Well this is a good game, I recommend it to you.